Comment 5 for bug 479226

Revision history for this message
Steve O (techrgs) wrote :

This bug affects me, too (with Likewise Open 6, however). My workaround is a two-pronged approach. Let's assume that you want the Domain Users group to have both sudo and administrative rights on the local machine. (Usually, it's only Domain Admins or another group, but we have a special configuration where I am.) First, I added the Domain Users group to the sudoers file (accessed by typing "sudo visudo" on an account that already has sudoer rights, or by running "visudo" simply as root). I then added the following line on the section with the header "Members of the admin group":

%domain^users ALL=(ALL) ALL

Please note that depending on your setup, you may have to add the domain explicitly:

%DOMAIN\\domain^users ALL=(ALL) ALL

So now all people in the Domain Users group have sudo access! They can type "sudo <command>" in any command prompt and it should work fine. BUT, if your users use the GUI, we still have the problem that any Policy Kit dialog boxes that pop up do not recognize this authority and demand you log in as root or as a local administrator.

So, following David Norris' suggestion, I navigated to /etc/polkit-1/localauthority.conf.d/ and added a new file called "52-likewise-admin.conf". The 52 is just because there were already files in there that started with "50" and "51", and I know that the configuration files get loaded in order based on their number. So the "52" is arbitrary. The file contents are as follows:


AS BEFORE, you may need to explicitly state your domain, as follows:


Of course, change "domain^users" to "domain^admins" or other groups as necessary. I hope this helps some people.