And getting the following error back:
<m:CreateItemResponseMessage ResponseClass="Error"> <m:MessageText>Id is malformed.</m:MessageText> <m:ResponseCode>ErrorInvalidIdMalformed</m:ResponseCode> <m:DescriptiveLinkKey>0</m:DescriptiveLinkKey> <m:Items/>
My emails are being read from imap via a proxy - not sure if that could be a problem?
I'm having the same problem. The debug logs are indicating that ReferenceItemID is set to null...
It's sending: tations= "SendToNone" MessageDisposit ion="SendAndSav eCopy">
<t:Reference ItemId Id="null" ChangeKey="2"/> ...
<m:CreateItem SendMeetingInvi
And getting the following error back: sponseMessage ResponseClass= "Error" >
<m:MessageTe xt>Id is malformed. </m:MessageText >
<m:ResponseC ode>ErrorInvali dIdMalformed< /m:ResponseCode >
<m:Descripti veLinkKey> 0</m:Descriptiv eLinkKey>
<m:Items/ >
My emails are being read from imap via a proxy - not sure if that could be a problem?