[+7580.55s] DEBUG: Seat seat0: Returning to existing user session wolf
[+7580.55s] DEBUG: Unlocking login1 session c2
[+7580.55s] DEBUG: Activating VT 7
[+7580.67s] DEBUG: Seat seat0: Stopping greeter
[+7580.67s] DEBUG: Terminating login1 session c6
[+7580.69s] DEBUG: Session pid=13835: Sending SIGTERM
[+7580.69s] DEBUG: Activating login1 session c2
[+7580.70s] WARNING: Failed to flush data to greeter: Broken pipe
[+7580.70s] DEBUG: Greeter closed communication channel
[+7580.70s] DEBUG: Session pid=13835: Terminated with signal 1
Which suggests the greeter is not exiting cleanly. This suggests:
- The change to the method by which lightdm kills the greeter might not be handled well by lightdm-gtk-greeter.
- There's probably a bug in lightdm in that it asked the greeter to quit, so it shouldn't care if it doesn't exit cleanly in this case.
- We need the greeter log to know more about what happened there.
Actually the relevant part of the lightdm.log is:
[+7580.55s] DEBUG: Seat seat0: Returning to existing user session wolf
[+7580.55s] DEBUG: Unlocking login1 session c2
[+7580.55s] DEBUG: Activating VT 7
[+7580.67s] DEBUG: Seat seat0: Stopping greeter
[+7580.67s] DEBUG: Terminating login1 session c6
[+7580.69s] DEBUG: Session pid=13835: Sending SIGTERM
[+7580.69s] DEBUG: Activating login1 session c2
[+7580.70s] WARNING: Failed to flush data to greeter: Broken pipe
[+7580.70s] DEBUG: Greeter closed communication channel
[+7580.70s] DEBUG: Session pid=13835: Terminated with signal 1
Which suggests the greeter is not exiting cleanly. This suggests: gtk-greeter.
- The change to the method by which lightdm kills the greeter might not be handled well by lightdm-
- There's probably a bug in lightdm in that it asked the greeter to quit, so it shouldn't care if it doesn't exit cleanly in this case.
- We need the greeter log to know more about what happened there.