The steps to make a merge proposal are essentially:
$ bzr branch lp:lightdm lp1575200 $ cd lp1575200 (make changes) $ bzr commit --fixes lp:1575200 $ bzr push lp:~pm-datasphere/lightdm/lp1575200
In your browser go to and select "Propose for merging"
The steps to make a merge proposal are essentially:
$ bzr branch lp:lightdm lp1575200
$ cd lp1575200
(make changes)
$ bzr commit --fixes lp:1575200
$ bzr push lp:~pm-datasphere/lightdm/lp1575200
In your browser go to https:/ /code.launchpad .net/~pm- datasphere/ lightdm/ lp1575200 and select "Propose for merging"