I can confirm that the patch to compiz mentioned above resolves the issue. For the impatient, it is possible to apply the patch, and it can be done without rebuilding compiz entirely from source. Only the workarounds module (located in libworkarounds.so) must be rebuilt. I have tested the following with Ubuntu 10.04 32-bit and compiz-0.8.6. I assume compiz 0.8.4 is installed initially:
I can confirm that the patch to compiz mentioned above resolves the issue. For the impatient, it is possible to apply the patch, and it can be done without rebuilding compiz entirely from source. Only the workarounds module (located in libworkarounds.so) must be rebuilt. I have tested the following with Ubuntu 10.04 32-bit and compiz-0.8.6. I assume compiz 0.8.4 is installed initially:
1. Upgrade to compiz 0.8.6
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:compiz/ppa && sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
2. Install compiz option code generator (bcop) and compiz development files (headers)
sudo apt-get install compiz-dev compiz-fusion-bcop
3. Download the main plugins here: http:// releases. compiz- fusion. org/components/ plugins- main/compiz- plugins- main-0. 8.6.tar. gz and extract
tar xfvz compiz- plugins- main-0. 8.6.tar. gz
4. Patch src/workarounds /workarounds. c and metadata/ workarounds. xml.in with the attached patches :
tar xvfz compiz- plugins- main-0. 8.6.tar. gz /workarounds. c src/workarounds /workarounds. c.patch workarounds. xml.in metadata/ workarounds. xml.in. patch
patch src/workarounds
patch metadata/
or get the patches directly from:
http:// cgit.compiz. org/compiz/ plugins/ workarounds/ commit/ ?h=compiz- 0.8&id= 345c430f991d954 75478df5d3db743 5eb08b8d1e cgit.compiz. org/compiz/ plugins/ workarounds/ commit/ ?h=compiz- 0.8&id= 79f11ed2cd71d21 55a5e04aa8803c5 6633b212bb
5. Configure, build and install
In compiz- plugins- main-0. 8.6:
./configure --prefix=/usr
cd src/workarounds
make && [sudo] make install
6. Restart compiz or reboot. Enable JavaTaskBarFix in the workarounds module.