* Dynamically load the schedule each minute at 5 seconds past the minute
Addresses LP: #925756
* Slide.py have poppler render to a cairo surface and use a trick to
get that into the pixmap. (LP: #972069)
(Technique from diogodivision's "BlingSwitcher" through http://www.mikedesjardins.net. Thank you.)
-- John S Gruber <email address hidden> Thu, 12 Apr 2012 11:38:30 -0400
This bug was fixed in the package lernid -
lernid ( precise; urgency=low
* Prepare for application to Ubuntu (universe)
lernid (0.8.2. 2ubuntu2~ testlernidppa2) precise; urgency=low
* Dynamically load the schedule each minute at 5 seconds past the minute
Addresses LP: #925756
* Slide.py have poppler render to a cairo surface and use a trick to www.mikedesjard ins.net. Thank you.)
get that into the pixmap. (LP: #972069)
(Technique from diogodivision's "BlingSwitcher" through
-- John S Gruber <email address hidden> Thu, 12 Apr 2012 11:38:30 -0400