Comment 0 for bug 918307

Revision history for this message
James Westby (james-w) wrote :

Impact: code that uses lazr.restfulclient (or launchpadlib) and pkg_resources can't
    work. The python package declares that the test dependencies are required, but they
    aren't listed in the .deb dependencies, and so aren't installed. They aren't needed for the
    code so they should be dropped.

Development fix: Drop the requires on the test dependencies

Stable fix: the same thing

Test Case:
     1. Install the lazr.restfulclient package from -updates
     2. Check that van.testing, wsgi_intercept, lazr.restful and lazr.authentication are listed in
          the first section of /usr/share/pyshared/lazr.restfulclient-0.9.11.egg-info/requires.txt
     3. Install the lazr.restfulclient package from -proposed
     4. Check that those lines are now listed in a [tests] section.

Regression potential: low, as the packages haven't been installed as dependencies, and some aren't even packaged, so nothing should be relying on them being declared as dependencies.