The way Malone displays URLs in bug pages at times causes excess width and horizontal scrolling. The page
is an example (but I could just use a link to Bugzilla's buglist.cgi URLs and we'd have a great example). In fact, why not?
Ironically, the first bug in that list is "Bugzilla pages are too wide". Heh.
The way Malone displays URLs in bug pages at times causes excess width and horizontal scrolling. The page
https:/ /launchpad. ubuntu. com/malone/ bugs/351/
is an example (but I could just use a link to Bugzilla's buglist.cgi URLs and we'd have a great example). In fact, why not?
https:/ /bugzilla. mozilla. org/buglist. cgi?query_ format= advanced& short_desc_ type=allwordssu bstr&short_ desc=&product= Bugzilla& long_desc_ type=substring& long_desc= &bug_file_ loc_type= allwordssubstr& bug_file_ loc=&status_ whiteboard_ type=allwordssu bstr&status_ whiteboard= &keywords_ type=allwords& keywords= &bug_status= UNCONFIRMED& bug_status= NEW&bug_ status= ASSIGNED& bug_status= REOPENED& emailassigned_ to1=1&emailtype 1=exact& email1= kiko%40async. emailassigned_ to2=1&emailrepo rter2=1& emailqa_ contact2= 1&emailtype2= exact&email2= &bugidtype= include& bug_id= &votes= &chfieldfrom= &chfieldto= Now&chfieldvalu e=&cmdtype= doit&order= Reuse+same+ sort+as+ last+time& field0- 0-0=noop& type0-0- 0=noop& value0- 0-0=
Ironically, the first bug in that list is "Bugzilla pages are too wide". Heh.