1. Open https://translations.qastaging.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/gwibber/+sharing-details 2. Make sure there's a linked upstream series (e.g. Gwibber 2.32 series) 3. Open in two different tabs the remove link page (e.g. https://translations.qastaging.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/gwibber/+remove-packaging) 4. On the first tab, click the Unlink button 5. Repeat step 4 on the second tab 6. OOPS-1928QS216
1. Open https:/ /translations. qastaging. launchpad. net/ubuntu/ natty/+ source/ gwibber/ +sharing- details /translations. qastaging. launchpad. net/ubuntu/ natty/+ source/ gwibber/ +remove- packaging)
2. Make sure there's a linked upstream series (e.g. Gwibber 2.32 series)
3. Open in two different tabs the remove link page (e.g. https:/
4. On the first tab, click the Unlink button
5. Repeat step 4 on the second tab
6. OOPS-1928QS216