Comment 0 for bug 57414

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Matt Zimmerman (mdz) wrote :

I often find myself in the following two situations:

I'm writing a comment on a bug report, using the text area at the bottom of the page. In the course of writing the comment (which I do in parallel with diagnosing the bug), I realize that the status attributes need to be updated as well. This requires that I open the task and move my comment into the other text area before I can continue, lest some of my input be lost depending on which form I submit.

I change a status attribute, and start writing a comment in the upper text area, then realize that my status change is unnecessary, and revert it. This requires that I move my comment to the lower text area, lest I be foiled by the "You didn't change anything" test when submitting the form.

I can think of a few ways to address this, but disabling the "you didn't change anything" test, so that I could always use the top comment area, seems simplest

- Make them part of the same form