Comment 7 for bug 557432

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Deryck Hodge (deryck) wrote :

Fair point about the shotgun answer approach. :-) I taught English once, despite my accent, so you win me over completely with this argument. :-)

I agree, too, that some data about what people actually do would be nice to have. I'll try to get this together before the week is out.

Another option comes to mind, and I worked up this quick mockup. The mockup is based off an old one of intellectronica's so that I could work more quickly, so some parts of the "framing" no longer apply. But the point is this -- a main list of recently touched or importance bugs, depending on what the data says people use more, and then add in a small "hot bugs" list in compact form to call attention to problem bugs. We could still have the link to all hot bugs, which the mockup doesn't show.

If people are warm to the general idea, then we can do a proper mockup in the current page style which doesn't crowd things so much. Or perhaps this leads us to an even better idea.