Right, to simplify all wierdness related to UploadPolicy.announcelist and DistroRelease.changeslist would be definately acceptable to have "changeslist" as a required attribute when adding a new distrorelase.
Otherwise, we could let "changeslist" as an optional attribute and include subtasks in the planned "Upload Policy Redesign" major task, to fix IDistroRelease, modify UploadPolicy.announce_list and other bits in NascentUpload.
Personally, the former would be cheaper and faster, for now.
Right, to simplify all wierdness related to UploadPolicy. announcelist and DistroRelease. changeslist would be definately acceptable to have "changeslist" as a required attribute when adding a new distrorelase.
Otherwise, we could let "changeslist" as an optional attribute and include subtasks in the planned "Upload Policy Redesign" major task, to fix IDistroRelease, modify UploadPolicy. announce_ list and other bits in NascentUpload.
Personally, the former would be cheaper and faster, for now.