Comment 7 for bug 538024

Revision history for this message
Jonathan Lange (jml) wrote : Re: [Bug 538024] Re: No way of saying "This project is not packaged"

On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 6:07 PM, Curtis Hovey
<email address hidden> wrote:
> Sorry Jonathan.
> I do not understand your suggestion.
> I proposed that we add a button (This is not packaged in Ubuntu) to the form.
> The action records the date in last_date_packaging_check.
> When the current date < last_date_packaging_check + 1 year,
>    the project page *does not* suggest possible packages.
> When the current data > last < last_date_packaging_check + 1 year
>    the project page suggest possible packages.
> This rule is strictly on the packaging portlet.
> Project series can continue to link to packages (though without the suggestion) from the
>    series page
>    and the packaging page
> Series package pages will continue to suggest the project as the upstream.
> I think you are suggesting that we set a time (maybe 2 months) in which Launchpad asks the question then?

No, I was suggesting exactly what you just subscribed.
