Comment 1 for bug 500018

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Muharem Hrnjadovic (al-maisan) wrote :

<wgrant> Are you trying to work out permissions for that bug?
<al-maisan> yes
<al-maisan> I guess we need to split the interface into a ViewOnly/Write part and make sure that only the owner has permission="launchpad.Edit"?
<wgrant> I would just delegate launchpad.Edit to the archive.
<wgrant> Do SPPHs have an owner?
<wgrant> I don't think so.
<al-maisan> i.e. if the user has launchpad.Edit for the archive he/she may request the deletion of a SPPH?
<wgrant> Right. That's the rule used for PPAs at the moment.
<al-maisan> cool
<al-maisan> makes a lot of sense
<al-maisan> Thanks for the advice!
<wgrant> It's too restrictive for the primary archive, but that all needs a rethink anyway.
<al-maisan> yeah .. also, I guess PPAs will be the primary application case
<wgrant> Right.