Comment 0 for bug 449

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

Steps to reproduce:
1. Follow the "Log in / Register" link from any page.
2. Log in.
What happens:
* You are told that "You are now logged in as <whoever>", and nothing else happens.
* If you use the Back button to get back to where you were, it's cached so that it looks like you're not logged in.
What should happen:
* Logging in returns you to a logged-in version of the page you were on.

We know what page you were on, because it's the bit before the "/+login" in the URL. And we can take you to a logged-in version by adding something like "?gc7zy0" (or perhaps something more meaningful) to the end of the URL so that you don't get a cached version.