Comment 12 for bug 375218

Revision history for this message
Martin Pool (mbp) wrote :

The mockup of #11 does explain the situation but without a link to this bug (or the same explanation in a FAQ) I think it would just leave people wondering "OK, but why? And what do I do now?"

Perhaps you need to go back to considering or explaining what it means to have a reviewer assigned to a branch.

As a starting point, if a person or team is going to be assigned as a reviewer, they ought to be told about reviews they need to do.

If a team is never appropriate to assign as a reviewer (as may be the case for ubuntu-devel?) then you need to address that problem, not just not send mail. This could be addressed by eg investigating what people are trying to do when they request the review, or why they don't find a more appropriate reviewer, or having a per-team bit saying "willing to do code reviews or not."

If a person is willing to do reviews but they want to poll Launchpad rather than getting mail then that seems to need some kind of notification preference.