I imagine someone can update the Person to export the attribute
karma_category_caches = exported( CollectionField( title=_("The caches of karma scores, by karma category"), readonly=False, required=False, value_type=Reference(schema=IKarmaCache)))
But a lot more work is need to export IKarmaCache which is not Published by Launchpad. There is not infrastructure to support this. This problem is like gpg_keys (which is still broken at the moment) or distribution mirrors. At a minimum, someone must create a safe url to that REST use may be/?
I imagine someone can update the Person to export the attribute
IPerson... caches = exported(
CollectionFiel d(
title= _("The caches of karma scores, by karma category"),
readonly= False, required=False,
value_ type=Reference( schema= IKarmaCache) ))
But a lot more work is need to export IKarmaCache which is not Published by Launchpad. There is not infrastructure to support this. This problem is like gpg_keys (which is still broken at the moment) or distribution mirrors. At a minimum, someone must create a safe url to that REST use may be/?
for="lp. registry. interfaces. karma.IKarmaCac he"
path_expressio n="string: +karma- caches/ ${id}"
rootsite= "api"
attribute_ to_parent= "person" />
Then update the interface: as_webservice_ entry(' karma_cache' )...
Then export some or all the of the fields.