A branch owner should be able to remove the subscription of anyone who would then not be able to resubscribe (as is the case with any current subscriber who is no longer on the team that allowed them to subscribe in the first place). There is no reason for subscription to be a one way street.
I've set status in both bug tasks to "Confirmed" for now; obviously it's up to the team to prioritize it, but I do think it's a valid bug; in fact I'll mention it on https://dev.launchpad.net/LEP/BetterPrivacy too. But I don't mean to start a status-reversion war -- if setting to "Confirmed" wasn't the right thing to do, let's discuss.
Hmm, why was this "Won't Fix"?
A branch owner should be able to remove the subscription of anyone who would then not be able to resubscribe (as is the case with any current subscriber who is no longer on the team that allowed them to subscribe in the first place). There is no reason for subscription to be a one way street.
I've set status in both bug tasks to "Confirmed" for now; obviously it's up to the team to prioritize it, but I do think it's a valid bug; in fact I'll mention it on https:/ /dev.launchpad. net/LEP/ BetterPrivacy too. But I don't mean to start a status-reversion war -- if setting to "Confirmed" wasn't the right thing to do, let's discuss.