Comment 8 for bug 2755

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

Maybe I'm missing something obvious here, but I really don't understand why any of you are mentioning "AJAX". It is not true, and never has been true, that +addcomment is "a fallback for cases when AJAX doesn't work". As a demonstration of this, I am posting this comment without using +addcomment in a browser that has JavaScript turned off completely. And choosing "Add an attachment" goes to +addcomment *regardless* of whether JavaScript is on or off.

What is needed to fix this bug is to move the attachment form from +addcomment to the bug report page. Put it in a collapsed-if-JS-is-on section, if you like, just as the comment form used to be. Then, remove +addcomment. For both comments and attachments, the non-XHR fallback will be POST on the very same forms in the bug report page, just as it is for comments now.

(Martin, the flaky editing of descriptions may be bug 416430.)