Comment 0 for bug 244998

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Scott Kitterman (kitterman) wrote : No apparent way to report bug affecting another project

Times are -0400 and the log is from #ubuntu-devel.

[15:54] <maix> > So far it's not been requested. It would have to be requested (use also
[15:54] <maix> > affects to add gutsy-backports) and them tested on gutsy.
[15:54] <maix> (
[15:54] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 223789 in hardy-backports "Please backport mercurial 1.0.1-2 from Intrepid to Hardy" [Wishlist,In progress]
[15:54] <maix> i cannot find such a link/option there
[15:55] <ScottK> See where it says "Also affects project" right under mercurial(ubuntu)?
[15:55] <ScottK> Click on that.
[15:55] <maix> yes?
[15:55] <maix> (i've tried that but it did not seem to be the right thing to me :)
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[15:56] <ScottK> Yes. Actually you need to do that from
[15:56] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 223789 in hardy-backports "Please backport mercurial 1.0.1-2 from Intrepid to Hardy" [Wishlist,In progress]
[15:57] <ScottK> Then when it asks you about the affected project say gutsy-backports.
[15:58] <ScottK> maix: Does that work better?
[15:58] <maix> yes
[15:59] <ScottK> Feel free to discuss the user-friendly U/I in #launchpad. My thoughts on the matter are well known.
[15:59] <maix> but that's very confusing, why are there completely different options if i access the same bug by a different url
[15:59] <ScottK> That's a good question to ask in #launchpad.
[16:00] <maix> ok then i can guess what your thougts are :)

The only way I could find to get to the hardy-backports URL from the ubuntu/+source/mercurial URL was to hand type it in and there was not a way to add the package to gutsy-backports from the ubuntu/+source/mercurial URL.

Something less opaque would be nice.