Comment 2 for bug 125420

Revision history for this message
Dan Watkins (oddbloke) wrote : Re: supermirror tasking locks?

This has just happened to me when running 'bzr push --overwrite bzr+ssh://<email address hidden>/~daniel-thewatkins/bzr/fix-for-116143-2'. I had an interrupted push using bzr+ssh and, despite breaking a lock once, I still have a lock showing up. After entering my passphrase I get the following output from bzr:
"Unable to obtain lock lp--1217229524:///lock
held by supermirror@vostok on host vostok [process #6311]
locked 24 minutes, 41 seconds ago
Will continue to try until 14:05:26

bzr: ERROR: Could not acquire lock (remote lock)"