The builder seems to hang with a message indicating a proxy issue, and the job just runs forever. If I cancel the job, I don't seem to be able to retrieve the build log.
The last build ID was: snapcraft-parca-c80cefbee78b10bbcf5ee592840f116c.
I've attached a screenshot that shows the log output.
I'm using snapcraft remote-build to build the snap at https:/ /github. com/jnsgruk/ parca-snap.
The builder seems to hang with a message indicating a proxy issue, and the job just runs forever. If I cancel the job, I don't seem to be able to retrieve the build log.
The last build ID was: snapcraft- parca-c80cefbee 78b10bbcf5ee592 840f116c.
I've attached a screenshot that shows the log output.