snapd is not logged in, snap install commands will use sudo
2020-11-02T12:54:47Z INFO Waiting for automatic snapd restart...
snapd (edge) 2.47.1+git1006.g2095741 from Canonical* refreshed
I'm happy with that solution, and imho it's even better. I wonder if this should be downgraded to wishlist, if not wont-fix.
With build-snaps, the build worked fine!
snapd is not logged in, snap install commands will use sudo 02T12:54: 47Z INFO Waiting for automatic snapd restart... git1006. g2095741 from Canonical* refreshed
snapd (edge) 2.47.1+
I'm happy with that solution, and imho it's even better. I wonder if this should be downgraded to wishlist, if not wont-fix.