Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit af00c66eba0f94ebd40f4287785a26a5a0ec469b Author: James Page <email address hidden> Date: Tue Sep 20 10:26:04 2016 +0100
Revert changes relating to management of /etc/hosts
Switching to active management by the charm of /etc/hosts resulted in a number of race conditions during cluster formation as a nasty side effect.
Revert changes to the charm related to this switch, as charm versions prior to these changes are far more reliable to deploy.
Further work is required to support MAAS 2.0 with Juju 2.0.
This reverts commit 0ded449e8d32428baf7992cfc6999f82e9996c1a. This reverts commit 7ffdcd204e6550cf5dcad57ed07ea302c1eedcce.
Closes-Bug: 1592200
Change-Id: Ib2d6714ac1c4b32542cea02c24f75d7ffbde8282
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/373095 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ charm-rabbitmq- server/ commit/ ?id=af00c66eba0 f94ebd40f428778 5a26a5a0ec469b
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit af00c66eba0f94e bd40f4287785a26 a5a0ec469b
Author: James Page <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Sep 20 10:26:04 2016 +0100
Revert changes relating to management of /etc/hosts
Switching to active management by the charm of /etc/hosts
resulted in a number of race conditions during cluster
formation as a nasty side effect.
Revert changes to the charm related to this switch, as charm
versions prior to these changes are far more reliable to
Further work is required to support MAAS 2.0 with Juju 2.0.
This reverts commit 0ded449e8d32428 baf7992cfc6999f 82e9996c1a. f5dcad57ed07ea3 02c1eedcce.
This reverts commit 7ffdcd204e6550c
Closes-Bug: 1592200
Change-Id: Ib2d6714ac1c4b3 2542cea02c24f75 d7ffbde8282