In packate/
# XXX replace these with L{SmartFacade} methods
codename = run_command("lsb_release -cs")
arch = run_command("dpkg --print-architecture")
except CommandError, error:
logging.warning(warning % str(error))
return None
On karmic:
root@ubuntu:/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/landscape# sudo -u landscape dpkg --print-architecture
dpkg: warning: failed to open configuration file '/root/.dpkg.cfg' for reading: Permission denied
root@ubuntu:/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/landscape# sudo -u landscape dpkg --print-architecture 2>/dev/null
So what happens is that "arch" gets both the dpkg warning and the i386 result, and this messes up the hash-id-databases url.
This is the OS environment when that dpkg command is run: COOKIE' : 'efe2d5b46d94f2 9e14a546ac4a55f aa5-1247149430. 519881- 35331106' , 'SHLVL': '1', 'SSH_TTY': '/dev/pts/0', 'OLDPWD': '/var/lib/ landscape/ client' , 'PWD': '/usr/lib/ python2. 6/dist- packages/ landscape' , 'LESSOPEN': '| /usr/bin/lesspipe %s', 'SSH_CLIENT': ' 51690 22', 'LOGNAME': 'root', 'USER': 'root', 'PATH': '/usr/local/ sbin:/usr/ local/bin: /usr/sbin: /usr/bin: /sbin:/ bin:/usr/ games', 'MAIL': '/var/mail/root', 'LS_COLORS': 'rs=0:di= 01;34:ln= 01;36:hl= 44;37:pi= 40;33:so= 01;35:do= 01;35:bd= 40;33;01: cd=40;33; 01:or=40; 31;01:su= 37;41:sg= 30;43:ca= 30;41:tw= 30;42:ow= 34;42:st= 37;44:ex= 01;32:* .tar=01; 31:*.tgz= 01;31:* .arj=01; 31:*.taz= 01;31:* .lzh=01; 31:*.lzma= 01;31:* .zip=01; 31:*.z= 01;31:* .Z=01;31: *.dz=01; 31:*.gz= 01;31:* .bz2=01; 31:*.bz= 01;31:* .tbz2=01; 31:*.tz= 01;31:* .deb=01; 31:*.rpm= 01;31:* .jar=01; 31:*.rar= 01;31:* .ace=01; 31:*.zoo= 01;31:* .cpio=01; 31:*.7z= 01;31:* .rz=01; 31:*.jpg= 01;35:* .jpeg=01; 35:*.gif= 01;35:* .bmp=01; 35:*.pbm= 01;35:* .pgm=01; 35:*.ppm= 01;35:* .tga=01; 35:*.xbm= 01;35:* .xpm=01; 35:*.tif= 01;35:* .tiff=01; 35:*.png= 01;35:* .svg=01; 35:*.svgz= 01;35:* .mng=01; 35:*.pcx= 01;35:* .mov=01; 35:*.mpg= 01;35:* .mpeg=01; 35:*.m2v= 01;35:* .mkv=01; 35:*.ogm= 01;35:* .mp4=01; 35:*.m4v= 01;35:* .mp4v=01; 35:*.vob= 01;35:* .qt=01; 35:*.nuv= 01;35:* .wmv=01; 35:*.asf= 01;35:* .rm=01; 35:*.rmvb= 01;35:* .flc=01; 35:*.avi= 01;35:* .fli=01; 35:*.flv= 01;35:* .gl=01; 35:*.dl= 01;35:* .xcf=01; 35:*.xwd= 01;35:* .yuv=01; 35:*.axv= 01;35:* .anx=01; 35:*.ogv= 01;35:* .ogx=01; 35:*.aac= 00;36:* .au=00; 36:*.flac= 00;36:* .mid=00; 36:*.midi= 00;36:* .mka=00; 36:*.mp3= 00;36:* .mpc=00; 36:*.ogg= 00;36:* .ra=00; 36:*.wav= 00;36:* .axa=00; 36:*.oga= 00;36:* .spx=00; 36:*.xspf= 00;36:' , 'HOME': '/root', '_': '/usr/bin/ landscape- client' , 'SSH_CONNECTION': ' 51690 22'}
{'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'LESSCLOSE': '/usr/bin/lesspipe %s %s', 'XDG_SESSION_
Notice how HOME and USER, among others, still point to the root user and his home.