Comment 0 for bug 1685212

Revision history for this message
Riccardo Magrini (riccardo-magrini) wrote :


All environment has been realised using only Ubuntu 16.04 LTS:

1 VM for MAAS (memory: 8GB, CPU: 1, HDD: 500GB);
1 VM for JUJU GUI (memory: 8GB, CPU: 1, HDD: 500GB);
1 VM for LANDSCAPE (memory: 8GB, CPU: 1, HDD: 500GB);

During the deploy of Landscape Dense-MAAS via JUJU GUI I've received this error on juju status :

hook failed: "reverseproxy-relation-changed" for landscape-server:website

The debug-log is too long to paste here or on Ubuntu Pastebin, I paste the last lines, here is it (, let me know if you need more lines.
I tried to make the deploy for the third time and the result has been the same. I opened also this post