Comment 34 for bug 1451728

Revision history for this message
In , Matthew Scheirer (xanny) wrote :

I just recently adopted KTP in the AUR and am having trouble with this change. Is it really necessary to introduce superfluous envvars (I don't think any KDE packages in Arch are shipping /etc/profile entries for anything at all, and I don't think anyone is going to propose pushing AG_PROVIDERS and AG_SERVICES into startkde), which means I'd have to add /etc/profile/ to support these envvars. It seems like Ubuntu should just be making kaccounts-integration and their account-pluigins packages conflict one another. The two providers that are common between them (twitter and google) are identical.

I'm not sure in what use case a provider or service file for accounts-sso will be desktop specific. Is there a reason they are not in an upstream accounts-sso project? I read all the ones Canonical provides and all the ones KDE had in the old ktp-accounts-kcm package and besides translation names I'm not seeing whats unique.

Speaking of ktp-accounts-kcm, all those provider files were prefixed with ktp-*. Maybe that would be a better answer here - just prefix KDE providers with kde-google.provider, etc? There are only three of them right now anyway, though now that I'm here I'm looking to port over / add more, because I'd love to get libpurple-matrix support in KTP.

I'd have no problems poking the accounts-sso or Launchpad team behind account-plugins for a better solution to this. From my understanding the design of accounts-sso is entirely so that different packages could put different providers in share/accounts/providers and have them show up in clients like kaccounts.