horizon has fixed the issue but unfortunately the fixes are not linked with it. I am summarizing the fixes.
Multiple fixes are involved in the master branch (i.e. ussuri), so fixes in the stable/train branch would be better for the summary.
The related fixes in stable/train are as follows:
- 9813577f7d0137da0e29c7630cffc3e1e1b329f5 (Update pyScss to 1.3.7)
- f26c88721614d1c25bcd26740b8fb20a7a97bd05 (Implement 'selector-append' sass function) which fixes an problem in the material design with pyScss 1.3.5 or later.
They were backported to stable/stein too.
Regarding stable/rocky or older branches, we don't backport them from the following reasons:
- The CI jobs are not broken as they use setuptools<46.
- It is better to avoid requirements change as much as possible.
- stable/rocky and older branches are in the extended maintenance phase so the upstream development team does not focus on them much.
horizon has fixed the issue but unfortunately the fixes are not linked with it. I am summarizing the fixes.
Multiple fixes are involved in the master branch (i.e. ussuri), so fixes in the stable/train branch would be better for the summary.
The related fixes in stable/train are as follows: a0e29c7630cffc3 e1e1b329f5 (Update pyScss to 1.3.7) 25bcd26740b8fb2 0a7a97bd05 (Implement 'selector-append' sass function) which fixes an problem in the material design with pyScss 1.3.5 or later.
- 9813577f7d0137d
- f26c88721614d1c
They were backported to stable/stein too.
Regarding stable/rocky or older branches, we don't backport them from the following reasons:
- The CI jobs are not broken as they use setuptools<46.
- It is better to avoid requirements change as much as possible.
- stable/rocky and older branches are in the extended maintenance phase so the upstream development team does not focus on them much.