1. Pin openstacksdk and client libraries in kolla-toolbox
Stein and below only.
openstacksdk released 0.45.0 (and possibly 0.44.0 as well) which dropped
py2 compat but did not advertise the fact. It was amended later but it
will now always affect kolla images until pinned to older.
The observable error is:
"ImportError: No module named queue"
Since Train we pin u-c, but not before that.
This change introduces a version constraint for openstacksdk and client
For similar reasons to 1., the deploy jobs fail when using the openstack
client for testing. Due to a dependency loop between these two projects,
we must make these jobs non-voting to fix the image build. This should
be reverted ASAP.
3. CI: Add https match for mirror.centos.org to template-overrides
Some CentOS repos (currently one - Ceph NFS Ganesha) use https://mirror.centos.org instead of http:// and we break
their definition by removing mirrorlist= entry and not inserting baseurl
entry due to a missing match.
Original Change-Id: I7b29f8c6be80820042023d2b85162d5cc9a65f08
Change-Id: I8c2da6437333210a7926f2deb926ab5d1c93c3c6
Closes-Bug: #1870349
(cherry picked from commit 4d11cd647a12ec900059f1cb53b30ad2b0fb22ab)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/717024 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ kolla/commit/ ?id=7f4baeafdd8 0b5c88b57c1f5e0 0ae6e119fe2343
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/rocky
commit 7f4baeafdd80b5c 88b57c1f5e00ae6 e119fe2343
Author: Mark Goddard <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Apr 2 14:34:36 2020 +0100
Fix multiple CI issues
1. Pin openstacksdk and client libraries in kolla-toolbox
Stein and below only.
openstacksdk released 0.45.0 (and possibly 0.44.0 as well) which dropped
py2 compat but did not advertise the fact. It was amended later but it
will now always affect kolla images until pinned to older.
The observable error is:
"ImportError: No module named queue"
Since Train we pin u-c, but not before that.
This change introduces a version constraint for openstacksdk and client
- python-novaclient keystoneclient
- python-cinderclient
- python-
- python-glanceclient
2. Make deploy jobs non-voting
For similar reasons to 1., the deploy jobs fail when using the openstack
client for testing. Due to a dependency loop between these two projects,
we must make these jobs non-voting to fix the image build. This should
be reverted ASAP.
3. CI: Add https match for mirror.centos.org to template-overrides
Some CentOS repos (currently one - Ceph NFS Ganesha) use /mirror. centos. org instead of http:// and we break
their definition by removing mirrorlist= entry and not inserting baseurl
entry due to a missing match.
Original Change-Id: I7b29f8c6be8082 0042023d2b85162 d5cc9a65f08
Change-Id: I8c2da643733321 0a7926f2deb926a b5d1c93c3c6 00059f1cb53b30a d2b0fb22ab)
Closes-Bug: #1870349
(cherry picked from commit 4d11cd647a12ec9