The script for cinder-api uses an incorrect test to
check if the MAX_NUMBER variable is set. This leads to a incorrect
cinder-manage command being run if this variable is not set, making the
database migration fail.
This change fixes the test to properly use the MAX_NUMBER variable.
Change-Id: Ie46da709db0de09a9cf641b3c154275282f213fc
Closes-Bug: #1866827
(cherry picked from commit ff42ff20048ef3b7d2f8df04ada8ff4bf7b710e0)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/715162 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ kolla/commit/ ?id=60bbf85aa20 cc38218123fb6fb 7521268e3ac0f6
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/train
commit 60bbf85aa20cc38 218123fb6fb7521 268e3ac0f6
Author: Gauvain Pocentek <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Mar 10 12:46:17 2020 +0100
Fix invalid test in cinder data migration script
The script for cinder-api uses an incorrect test to
check if the MAX_NUMBER variable is set. This leads to a incorrect
cinder-manage command being run if this variable is not set, making the
database migration fail.
This change fixes the test to properly use the MAX_NUMBER variable.
Change-Id: Ie46da709db0de0 9a9cf641b3c1542 75282f213fc 7d2f8df04ada8ff 4bf7b710e0)
Closes-Bug: #1866827
(cherry picked from commit ff42ff20048ef3b