commit 3908934f70c4c4cd7a4b990e9b3f2881ae40b3cb
Author: Jeffrey Zhang <email address hidden>
Date: Sun Oct 1 23:21:38 2017 +0800
Move to zuul v3 in project jobs
- move check container failure from post.yml to run.yml
- add binary related jobs
- use static kolla-ansible src dir, which is helpful for kolla project
to use.
- generate correct /etc/hosts by using private ip address and hostname
- fix the wrong api interface in global.yml file
Partial-Bug: #1720601
Change-Id: Ibc20a6ae8c645ff82f3c14a6286073dffd4cfae2
(cherry picked from commit baa9319a75b5da17d948fa2ec488b61632aa7cc4)
(cherry picked from commit cdd125117f0ca65300b608734caa2eb36779fcea)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/513608 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ kolla-ansible/ commit/ ?id=3908934f70c 4c4cd7a4b990e9b 3f2881ae40b3cb
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/pike
commit 3908934f70c4c4c d7a4b990e9b3f28 81ae40b3cb
Author: Jeffrey Zhang <email address hidden>
Date: Sun Oct 1 23:21:38 2017 +0800
Move to zuul v3 in project jobs
- move check container failure from post.yml to run.yml
- add binary related jobs
- use static kolla-ansible src dir, which is helpful for kolla project
to use.
- generate correct /etc/hosts by using private ip address and hostname
- fix the wrong api interface in global.yml file
Partial-Bug: #1720601 f82f3c14a628607 3dffd4cfae2 7d948fa2ec488b6 1632aa7cc4) 300b608734caa2e b36779fcea)
Change-Id: Ibc20a6ae8c645f
(cherry picked from commit baa9319a75b5da1
(cherry picked from commit cdd125117f0ca65