There seems to be a bug regarding the interaction between the Red Hat
based images and docker exec, where output is missed when attaching a
tty. This can be replicated using the following:
$ docker run -d --name test centos /bin/sleep infinity
$ docker exec -t test echo hi
Repeat the second command over and over, "hi" will only be printed out
every couple of runs.
This affects the keystone register task as sometimes it will not print
it's final json result to stdout, causing ansible to fall over with a
difficult to diagnose error (despite the register having run
Disabling the tty fixes this for me, it should not be needed in this
case regardless.
Change-Id: Ie7eb7c01c34ee3c59bd843651195fbcb7259d2c8
Closes-Bug: #1572082
(cherry picked from commit e2452906f3389e0ae2fa704ee4ce431e1c9f832b)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/309107 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ kolla/commit/ ?id=fc6b00ba693 1f658d5e1b68313 84d1b69d9b72a7
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/mitaka
commit fc6b00ba6931f65 8d5e1b6831384d1 b69d9b72a7
Author: Paul Bourke <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Apr 19 15:59:51 2016 +0100
Disable tty for keystone register script
There seems to be a bug regarding the interaction between the Red Hat
based images and docker exec, where output is missed when attaching a
tty. This can be replicated using the following:
$ docker run -d --name test centos /bin/sleep infinity
$ docker exec -t test echo hi
Repeat the second command over and over, "hi" will only be printed out
every couple of runs.
This affects the keystone register task as sometimes it will not print
it's final json result to stdout, causing ansible to fall over with a
difficult to diagnose error (despite the register having run
Disabling the tty fixes this for me, it should not be needed in this
case regardless.
Change-Id: Ie7eb7c01c34ee3 c59bd843651195f bcb7259d2c8 ae2fa704ee4ce43 1e1c9f832b)
Closes-Bug: #1572082
(cherry picked from commit e2452906f3389e0