When Kolla-kubernetes try to generate secret, it will found one file
named ansible/group_vars/all.yml at kolla reporitory. Then try to render
the file. There is one variable named tunnel_interface_addres which will
access hostvars variable, but this variable is not exist at kubernetes
orchestration engine.
We should add condition statement which will determine whether
orchestration engine is ansible.
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/417331 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ kolla-ansible/ commit/ ?id=b719782d442 4a0537cea1a4036 4c10d7d9a9fe80
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit b719782d4424a05 37cea1a40364c10 d7d9a9fe80
Author: Chung Chih, Hung <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Jan 6 17:47:52 2017 +0800
Secret generate fail with hostvars is undefined
When Kolla-kubernetes try to generate secret, it will found one file group_vars/ all.yml at kolla reporitory. Then try to render interface_ addres which will
named ansible/
the file. There is one variable named tunnel_
access hostvars variable, but this variable is not exist at kubernetes
orchestration engine.
We should add condition statement which will determine whether
orchestration engine is ansible.
Co-Authored-By: Duong Ha-Quang <email address hidden>
Change-Id: I998a7540de3dca e53acb73de79fb8 a8e76cc4225
Closed-Bug: 1649247