Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: "Zuul (22348)" Branch: master
commit 0d9477de3899886165eae2b3a06ef316bebf59d8 Author: Radosław Piliszek <email address hidden> Date: Fri Sep 10 18:30:25 2021 +0000
Switch default images source to
Docs adapted to match. Removed the unsupported-for-quay option to set up a pull-through cache.
Closes-Bug: #1942134 Change-Id: If5a26b1ba4bf35bc29306c24f608396dbf5e3371
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /kolla- ansible/ +/808486 /opendev. org/openstack/ kolla-ansible/ commit/ 0d9477de3899886 165eae2b3a06ef3 16bebf59d8
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: master
commit 0d9477de3899886 165eae2b3a06ef3 16bebf59d8
Author: Radosław Piliszek <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Sep 10 18:30:25 2021 +0000
Switch default images source to
Docs adapted to match. for-quay option to set up
Removed the unsupported-
a pull-through cache.
Closes-Bug: #1942134 bc29306c24f6083 96dbf5e3371
Change-Id: If5a26b1ba4bf35