commit 98c29107afd5f473d3a3e1051d907b2762a9ec64
Author: Maksim Malchuk <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Jun 7 10:43:52 2021 +0300
Add forgotten 'Restart container' handler for swift
Since I0474324b60a5f792ef5210ab336639edf7a8cd9e swift role uses the new
service-cert-copy role introduced in the
I6351147ddaff8b2ae629179a9bc3bae2ebac9519 but the swift role itself
doesn't contain the handler used in the service-cert-copy. Right now,
restarting the swift container isn't necessary, but the handler should
exist. Also we should fix the name of the service used.
Closes-Bug: #1931097
Change-Id: I2d0615ce6914e1f875a2647c8a95b86dd17eeb22
Signed-off-by: Maksim Malchuk <email address hidden>
(cherry picked from commit 5c19f9a5e0fc02ccba52f327c3ea5cedb632788d)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /kolla- ansible/ +/795265 /opendev. org/openstack/ kolla-ansible/ commit/ 98c29107afd5f47 3d3a3e1051d907b 2762a9ec64
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: stable/wallaby
commit 98c29107afd5f47 3d3a3e1051d907b 2762a9ec64
Author: Maksim Malchuk <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Jun 7 10:43:52 2021 +0300
Add forgotten 'Restart container' handler for swift
Since I0474324b60a5f7 92ef5210ab33663 9edf7a8cd9e swift role uses the new cert-copy role introduced in the ff8b2ae629179a9 bc3bae2ebac9519 but the swift role itself
doesn't contain the handler used in the service-cert-copy. Right now,
restarting the swift container isn't necessary, but the handler should
exist. Also we should fix the name of the service used.
Closes-Bug: #1931097 f875a2647c8a95b 86dd17eeb22 cba52f327c3ea5c edb632788d)
Change-Id: I2d0615ce6914e1
Signed-off-by: Maksim Malchuk <email address hidden>
(cherry picked from commit 5c19f9a5e0fc02c