commit 085a0852c9f70c4149eccd68dc8b8e89be25850b
Author: Scott Shambarger <email address hidden>
Date: Thu May 13 14:08:32 2021 -0700
fluentd: Fix check for external elasticsearch
When enable_elasticsearch is False, and kolla_internal_fqdn is set
and elasticsearch_address is the default, fluentd is still enabling
output to elasticsearch.
elasticsearch_address defaults to kolla_internal_fqdn, but the
check to enable logging to an "external" elasticsearch host
compares with kolla_internal_vip_address (fqdn != vip address).
This patch fixes the comparison to use the kolla_internal_fqdn.
Closes-Bug: #1927880
Change-Id: If23a6b1273c2639d1296becc9d222546d52f63ac
(cherry picked from commit 283b0dec639c032945f5d1d87a66f0c7541c0562)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /kolla- ansible/ +/804357 /opendev. org/openstack/ kolla-ansible/ commit/ 085a0852c9f70c4 149eccd68dc8b8e 89be25850b
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: stable/victoria
commit 085a0852c9f70c4 149eccd68dc8b8e 89be25850b
Author: Scott Shambarger <email address hidden>
Date: Thu May 13 14:08:32 2021 -0700
fluentd: Fix check for external elasticsearch
When enable_ elasticsearch is False, and kolla_internal_fqdn is set address is the default, fluentd is still enabling
and elasticsearch_
output to elasticsearch.
elasticsear ch_address defaults to kolla_internal_ fqdn, but the vip_address (fqdn != vip address).
check to enable logging to an "external" elasticsearch host
compares with kolla_internal_
This patch fixes the comparison to use the kolla_internal_ fqdn.
Closes-Bug: #1927880 9d1296becc9d222 546d52f63ac 945f5d1d87a66f0 c7541c0562)
Change-Id: If23a6b1273c263
(cherry picked from commit 283b0dec639c032