commit cbd474cc4801b1918b7e267e0ad6e23282079974
Author: Mark Goddard <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Mar 31 10:51:20 2021 +0100
octavia: Ensure service auth project exists
Kolla Ansible supports configuration of the project used by Octavia to
communicate with other services, via octavia_service_auth_project. Until
Ussuri, this was set to admin. In Ussuri it changed to service. It may
also be set to a different value.
Kolla Ansible currently gives the octavia user the admin role in the
project, but it does not ensure that the project exists. For admin and
service projects, this is not a problem. If the project has been
customised however, it will not necessarily exist, which will cause
Octavia deployment to fail.
This change fixes the issue by ensuring that the service auth project
exists, in addition to the service project.
Closes-Bug: #1922100
Change-Id: I968efbf3ad1de676548b4e3aeefc20bf80ca94a0
(cherry picked from commit fbd80bcdc869cf22330d5d3c8770ec11bb28b4cd)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /kolla- ansible/ +/797110 /opendev. org/openstack/ kolla-ansible/ commit/ cbd474cc4801b19 18b7e267e0ad6e2 3282079974
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: stable/wallaby
commit cbd474cc4801b19 18b7e267e0ad6e2 3282079974
Author: Mark Goddard <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Mar 31 10:51:20 2021 +0100
octavia: Ensure service auth project exists
Kolla Ansible supports configuration of the project used by Octavia to service_ auth_project. Until
communicate with other services, via octavia_
Ussuri, this was set to admin. In Ussuri it changed to service. It may
also be set to a different value.
Kolla Ansible currently gives the octavia user the admin role in the
project, but it does not ensure that the project exists. For admin and
service projects, this is not a problem. If the project has been
customised however, it will not necessarily exist, which will cause
Octavia deployment to fail.
This change fixes the issue by ensuring that the service auth project
exists, in addition to the service project.
Closes-Bug: #1922100 76548b4e3aeefc2 0bf80ca94a0 2330d5d3c8770ec 11bb28b4cd)
Change-Id: I968efbf3ad1de6
(cherry picked from commit fbd80bcdc869cf2