Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Zuul Branch: stable/train
commit 7fb34294684c895acf3b575bfe9c96c03ad6e819 Author: Hiroo Kitamura <email address hidden> Date: Wed Nov 27 13:11:06 2019 +0900
Fix bug that causes InternalServerError in FT
This patch fixes a bug that caused many functinal-tests to fail with the following error: - tackerclient.common.exceptions.InternalServerError
The bug occurs because the password is converted to bytes type when decrypting the password of vim_auth with python3.
Change-Id: I021d1752fcf96dfba97faf21e849dc87019e4e57 Closes-Bug: #1883350 (cherry picked from commit bdb2d52b3a1b69c58cb2ac6f903380ab8a7bd973)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/740894 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ tacker/ commit/ ?id=7fb34294684 c895acf3b575bfe 9c96c03ad6e819
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/train
commit 7fb34294684c895 acf3b575bfe9c96 c03ad6e819
Author: Hiroo Kitamura <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Nov 27 13:11:06 2019 +0900
Fix bug that causes InternalServerError in FT
This patch fixes a bug that caused many functinal-tests common. exceptions. InternalServerE rror
to fail with the following error:
- tackerclient.
The bug occurs because the password is converted to bytes
type when decrypting the password of vim_auth with python3.
Change-Id: I021d1752fcf96d fba97faf21e849d c87019e4e57 58cb2ac6f903380 ab8a7bd973)
Closes-Bug: #1883350
(cherry picked from commit bdb2d52b3a1b69c