@mgoodard, What is the test code coverage ratio? Things are not breaking some of the time but they are breaking regularly as is indicated by the number of open bugs. I'm currently on day 5 of my Queens to Rocky upgrade and I have much more than "minimal experience."
The problem with the statement "Kolla is an open source project" is that this attitude pervades the community so that sound software development practices such as unit tests, code coverage tests, quality gates, etc. all are overlooked because "it is open source." Open source does not mean that sound code practices should be abandoned. It appears though is exactly the case.
@mgoodard, What is the test code coverage ratio? Things are not breaking some of the time but they are breaking regularly as is indicated by the number of open bugs. I'm currently on day 5 of my Queens to Rocky upgrade and I have much more than "minimal experience."
The problem with the statement "Kolla is an open source project" is that this attitude pervades the community so that sound software development practices such as unit tests, code coverage tests, quality gates, etc. all are overlooked because "it is open source." Open source does not mean that sound code practices should be abandoned. It appears though is exactly the case.