ironic tftp service binds on This may be
an issue in some setup. This patch propose a better
default, such as using the same listen address as
the dnsmasq service
Closes-Bug: #2024664
Change-Id: I0401bfc03cd31d72c5a2ae0a111889d5c29a8aa2
(cherry picked from commit 81948f5b16babde3b77af4c8af5ee9dbb8d7fcc3)
(cherry picked from commit 28c8fab601d454052420d01da12165013ddf7ebd)
Signed-off-by: Maksim Malchuk <email address hidden>
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /kolla- ansible/ +/893385 /opendev. org/openstack/ kolla-ansible/ commit/ 9c689f21e3eea19 d8991e374e0284e d38def9436
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: stable/2023.1
commit 9c689f21e3eea19 d8991e374e0284e d38def9436
Author: yann.degat <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Jun 22 12:44:47 2023 +0000
Use better default bind address for ironic-tftp
ironic tftp service binds on This may be
an issue in some setup. This patch propose a better
default, such as using the same listen address as
the dnsmasq service
Closes-Bug: #2024664
Change-Id: I0401bfc03cd31d 72c5a2ae0a11188 9d5c29a8aa2 3b77af4c8af5ee9 dbb8d7fcc3) 52420d01da12165 013ddf7ebd)
(cherry picked from commit 81948f5b16babde
(cherry picked from commit 28c8fab601d4540
Signed-off-by: Maksim Malchuk <email address hidden>