Testing commit ef5c69167a493683c81d44cf752fc141dcf174de: works for me too.
Also the segfault on pcbnew when ending drawing operations with enter is
working for me now.
Now I have a new assert launching pcbnew "Assert failure" failed in
UpdateHotKeys(): Duplicate hotkey definitions for <unknown>:
pcbnew.Control.switchUnits and common.Control.toggleUnits", but I think
this is a new bug, not related to the "enter" assert.
On 13/05/19 23:25, KiCad Janitor wrote: 3c81d44cf752fc1 41dcf174de /git.launchpad. net/kicad/ patch/? id=ef5c69167a49 3683c81d44cf752 fc141dcf174de
> Fixed in revision ef5c69167a49368
> https:/
> ** Changed in: kicad
> Status: In Progress => Fix Committed
Testing commit ef5c69167a49368 3c81d44cf752fc1 41dcf174de: works for me too.
Also the segfault on pcbnew when ending drawing operations with enter is
working for me now.
Now I have a new assert launching pcbnew "Assert failure" failed in Control. switchUnits and common. Control. toggleUnits" , but I think
UpdateHotKeys(): Duplicate hotkey definitions for <unknown>:
this is a new bug, not related to the "enter" assert.