A dangling track is a track with a end point connected to nothing, regardless its net.
In this board, *there are no dangling tracks*:
each remaining track has its 2 ends connected.
(This is due to the fact a track end is seen as connected if this end is near (dist < track width) the end of another track, or inside a pad).
Therefore the short track segments have both ends connected to the other track, because the other track width is big enough to contain these 2 ends.
Yes, this is a corner case, but fixing this kind of corner case can create other corner cases.
A dangling track is a track with a end point connected to nothing, regardless its net.
In this board, *there are no dangling tracks*:
each remaining track has its 2 ends connected.
(This is due to the fact a track end is seen as connected if this end is near (dist < track width) the end of another track, or inside a pad).
Therefore the short track segments have both ends connected to the other track, because the other track width is big enough to contain these 2 ends.
Yes, this is a corner case, but fixing this kind of corner case can create other corner cases.