i think the 'desired behaviour' would at the very least include all the tiny little stubby dots under pads and sticking out the wrong end of vias to be gone. it does clean up all the large bits, sometimes it takes a few goes, but the tiny leftover of traces hidden under pads and (less often) at vias remain. the cnc mill won't give a crap about it (after all metal is metal and it doesn't care wether it's metal due to it being an ic socket pad or an ic socket pad with a trace under it) but sometimes they're visible as they do stick out a bit, and they affect the way in which the trace drawing chooses it's path.
i think the 'desired behaviour' would at the very least include all the tiny little stubby dots under pads and sticking out the wrong end of vias to be gone. it does clean up all the large bits, sometimes it takes a few goes, but the tiny leftover of traces hidden under pads and (less often) at vias remain. the cnc mill won't give a crap about it (after all metal is metal and it doesn't care wether it's metal due to it being an ic socket pad or an ic socket pad with a trace under it) but sometimes they're visible as they do stick out a bit, and they affect the way in which the trace drawing chooses it's path.