Make system tokens work with domain-specific drivers
When calling certain group or user APIs, keystone logic would attempt
to figure out the domain to scope responses to. This was specific to
enabling domain-specific driver support, where each domain is backed
by a different identity store. This functionality is turned off by
default. Since system-scoped tokens are not associated to a domain
(unlike project-scoped tokens or domain-scoped tokens), the logic to
determine a domain from a system-scoped token was breaking and
returning an erroneous HTTP 401 Unauthorized when system users
attempted to list users or groups.
This commit adds support for domain detection with system-scoped
Conflicts: keystone/server/flask/
This backport has conflicts with keystone/server/flask/ due to
the ``token_ref`` variable being renamed to ``token``. This conflict is
resolved by continuing to use the old name, but the change is
functionally equivalent to what was proposed to all other branches.
This backport modifies the unit test to use the pre-flask-compatible
self.admin_request method instead of flask's test_client() context
Change-Id: I8f0f7a623a1741f461493d872849fae7ef3e8077
Closes-Bug: 1843609
(cherry picked from commit 8f43b9cab00c86a455b2a9700b434e98b2e9c2d8)
(cherry picked from commit 417d2c0e6e6bef39f447681325ae5b0ba46b2e2c)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/681907 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ keystone/ commit/ ?id=65cb669e785 21ad9012cba16f3 071d741b8672c5
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/queens
commit 65cb669e78521ad 9012cba16f3071d 741b8672c5
Author: Lance Bragstad <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Sep 12 16:46:26 2019 +0000
Make system tokens work with domain-specific drivers
When calling certain group or user APIs, keystone logic would attempt
to figure out the domain to scope responses to. This was specific to
enabling domain-specific driver support, where each domain is backed
by a different identity store. This functionality is turned off by
default. Since system-scoped tokens are not associated to a domain
(unlike project-scoped tokens or domain-scoped tokens), the logic to
determine a domain from a system-scoped token was breaking and
returning an erroneous HTTP 401 Unauthorized when system users
attempted to list users or groups.
This commit adds support for domain detection with system-scoped
keystone/ server/ flask/common. py
This backport has conflicts with keystone/ server/ flask/common. py due to
the ``token_ref`` variable being renamed to ``token``. This conflict is
resolved by continuing to use the old name, but the change is
functionally equivalent to what was proposed to all other branches.
This backport modifies the unit test to use the pre-flask- compatible admin_request method instead of flask's test_client() context
Change-Id: I8f0f7a623a1741 f461493d872849f ae7ef3e8077 455b2a9700b434e 98b2e9c2d8) 9f447681325ae5b 0ba46b2e2c)
Closes-Bug: 1843609
(cherry picked from commit 8f43b9cab00c86a
(cherry picked from commit 417d2c0e6e6bef3