The JSON Schema validation implementation of nullable(), which makes
values possible to be null was not adding None to the enum if it exists.
This causes validation to fail on ``None`` especially in the case of
keystone's boolean parameter_type implementation. ``nullable()`` now
adds ``None`` to the enum if the enum exists.
Closes-Bug: #1763824
Change-Id: I176fa90df63049661413c445554dba9b7d87272a
(cherry picked from commit 78adf4b40fb88e371101ed065ac1d15063d8d86e)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/561353 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ keystone/ commit/ ?id=7bd6454e472 1d1ff4935ad36e3 0e5420ad10e70e
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/queens
commit 7bd6454e4721d1f f4935ad36e30e54 20ad10e70e
Author: Morgan Fainberg <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Apr 13 13:34:31 2018 -0700
Fix json schema nullable to add None to ENUM
The JSON Schema validation implementation of nullable(), which makes
values possible to be null was not adding None to the enum if it exists.
This causes validation to fail on ``None`` especially in the case of
keystone's boolean parameter_type implementation. ``nullable()`` now
adds ``None`` to the enum if the enum exists.
Closes-Bug: #1763824 661413c445554db a9b7d87272a 71101ed065ac1d1 5063d8d86e)
Change-Id: I176fa90df63049
(cherry picked from commit 78adf4b40fb88e3