Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Zuul Branch: stable/queens
commit 445837fd8bc89bbf0ade3abbfa21074a6c377581 Author: Lance Bragstad <email address hidden> Date: Mon Feb 12 21:23:45 2018 +0000
Delete system role assignments when deleting users
Keystone removes role assignments that users have on projects and domains when deleting users. This should also apply to system role assignments, too.
Change-Id: Ied51b9c3b58714b2d5dbcb933eca1839d1351fc7 Closes-Bug: 1749264 (cherry picked from commit 3a3b3c5b5a35c93b9f3df79887805956208eaf5f)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/544099 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ keystone/ commit/ ?id=445837fd8bc 89bbf0ade3abbfa 21074a6c377581
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/queens
commit 445837fd8bc89bb f0ade3abbfa2107 4a6c377581
Author: Lance Bragstad <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Feb 12 21:23:45 2018 +0000
Delete system role assignments when deleting users
Keystone removes role assignments that users have on projects and
domains when deleting users. This should also apply to system role
assignments, too.
Change-Id: Ied51b9c3b58714 b2d5dbcb933eca1 839d1351fc7 b9f3df798878059 56208eaf5f)
Closes-Bug: 1749264
(cherry picked from commit 3a3b3c5b5a35c93