Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Zuul Branch: stable/queens
commit 7a071a7ca3303160bf79654de8c85f6502f47ef9 Author: Corey Bryant <email address hidden> Date: Wed Oct 17 13:18:35 2018 -0400
PY3: switch to using unicode text values
In Python 3, python-ldap no longer allows bytes for DN/RDN/field names. Instead, text values are represented as str, the Unicode text type.
This patch updates the code to adhere to this behavior.
More details about byte/str usage in python-ldap can be found at:
Change-Id: I9ef10432229aaffe4ac9bd733d608098cdae3b9a Partial-Bug: #1798184
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/613615 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ ldappool/ commit/ ?id=7a071a7ca33 03160bf79654de8 c85f6502f47ef9
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/queens
commit 7a071a7ca330316 0bf79654de8c85f 6502f47ef9
Author: Corey Bryant <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Oct 17 13:18:35 2018 -0400
PY3: switch to using unicode text values
In Python 3, python-ldap no longer allows bytes for DN/RDN/field
names. Instead, text values are represented as str, the Unicode
text type.
This patch updates the code to adhere to this behavior.
More details about byte/str usage in python-ldap can be found at: www.python- en/latest/ bytes_mode. html#bytes- mode
Change-Id: I9ef10432229aaf fe4ac9bd733d608 098cdae3b9a
Partial-Bug: #1798184