And for completeness for comment #1:
func=<built-in method search_ext of LDAP object at 0x7f5f091f9a80> args=(b'ou=Users,dc=test,dc=com', 1, b'(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(cn=*))', [b'sn', b'mail', b'enabled', b'description', b'userPassword', b'cn'], 0, None, None, -1, 0)
And for completeness for comment #1:
func=<built-in method search_ext of LDAP object at 0x7f5f091f9a80> ou=Users, dc=test, dc=com' , 1, b'(&(objectClas s=inetOrgPerson )(cn=*) )', [b'sn', b'mail', b'enabled', b'description', b'userPassword', b'cn'], 0, None, None, -1, 0)