Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Zuul Branch: master
commit a558eb0baba05280747ea67556e1041e86898ef3 Author: wangxiyuan <email address hidden> Date: Mon Jun 25 15:45:33 2018 +0800
Add registered_limit_id column for limit
This patch add a registered_limit_id column referring to the related registered limit for limit talbe.
This change aims to reduce the duplicate data between unified limit tables.
In Rocky, "registered_limit_id" will co-exist with "service_id", "region_id" and "resource_name" columns.
In Stein, we'll migrate the old data to satisfy the "registered_limit_id" way
In T release, the "service_id", "region_id" and "resource_name" columns will be removed at all.
Closes-Bug: #1777892 Change-Id: I9a81056b9afda924aac71f64c2158d9db53d8594
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/577751 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ keystone/ commit/ ?id=a558eb0baba 05280747ea67556 e1041e86898ef3
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: master
commit a558eb0baba0528 0747ea67556e104 1e86898ef3
Author: wangxiyuan <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Jun 25 15:45:33 2018 +0800
Add registered_limit_id column for limit
This patch add a registered_limit_id column referring to
the related registered limit for limit talbe.
This change aims to reduce the duplicate data between unified
limit tables.
In Rocky, "registered_ limit_id" will co-exist with "service_id",
"region_id" and "resource_name" columns.
In Stein, we'll migrate the old data to satisfy the _limit_ id" way
In T release, the "service_id", "region_id" and "resource_name"
columns will be removed at all.
Closes-Bug: #1777892 24aac71f64c2158 d9db53d8594
Change-Id: I9a81056b9afda9