Relationship links are not meant to be resolved. They are actually URNs. A URN is just like a GUID except is used a URI syntax so it is easier to read. keystone really doesn't do a full hypertext driven API, but if it did the URN is what you would use to find an actual URL to go to.
For example, in a document for a user representation there might be a dictionary key 'relationships' and the value would may URN to URL. So 'GET /user/1234' gives you a user representation. Then you could do something like 'user[relationships][http://does-not-exist#user-groups]' to find a URL that can be used to retrieve a user's groups.
This is sort of partially implemented and we don't seem to want people to use hypertext and instead want URLs hardcoded in clients. But that's really what this is for.
Relationship links are not meant to be resolved. They are actually URNs. A URN is just like a GUID except is used a URI syntax so it is easier to read. keystone really doesn't do a full hypertext driven API, but if it did the URN is what you would use to find an actual URL to go to.
For example, in a document for a user representation there might be a dictionary key 'relationships' and the value would may URN to URL. So 'GET /user/1234' gives you a user representation. Then you could do something like 'user[relations hips][http:// does-not- exist#user- groups]' to find a URL that can be used to retrieve a user's groups.
This is sort of partially implemented and we don't seem to want people to use hypertext and instead want URLs hardcoded in clients. But that's really what this is for.